Hosted by Wenatche Applarians
Hilton Garden Inn, Wenatchee WA
Key Note Speaker, Dr. Gene Sharratt
Dr. Sharratt has over 15 years of executive leadership recruitment with public, private, and non-profit
organizations. His most recent work is focused on developing high performance teams, based on the foundation
of trust and authentic leadership principles.
Conference Agenda:
Friday, January 24, 2025
1pm-6pm: Registration Hotel Lobby Hilton Garden Inn
25 N. Worthen Street, Wenatchee, WA 98801
6pm: Meet your Applarian Host in hotel lobby for dinner at their home.
(Dinner will be provided at the home of one of our Applarians.)
Saturday, January 25, 2025 in River Front Room A at the Hilton Garden Inn
Saturday, January 25, 2025
8am-9am - Breakfast
9am-10am - Session 1 - Ice Breaker
Leadership Styles, Working with Your Board Members: Linda Herald
10am-10:15am -Break/Beverage Service
10:15am-11am -Session 2
Marketing & Sponsorship: Darci Christopherson
11am-11:45am - Session 3
Working With Local Media/Social Media: Dave Herald & Allie Jordan
12pm-1pm - Lunch
1:30pm-2:30pm -Gene Sharratt, Keynote Speaker
Session 4
How Do You Grow Your Group: Membership & Retention: Jim Adamson
2:30pm-3pm - Break
3pm-4pm - Session 5
Burning Questions: Learn From Others & Critique of Last Year's Festivals
4pm-5pm - Session 6
Business Meeting & Promote Your Festival!
5:30pm - No Host Group Dinner
Pybus Market
Register on Line at:
Cost: $125.00 per person
Lodging & Meeting located at the Wenatchee Hilton Garden Inn, 25 N. Worthern Street, Wenatchee, WA 98801
Guestroom Rates are $139.00, Single/Double, plus tax. For Reservations Call: 1-800-HILTONS
Or Online at:
On line under Special Rates put in the Group Code: 90X. By phone give them the group code 90X.
To guarantee your group rate, please make your reservation prior to
December 25, 2024.
This conference is open to members in good standing with the current member festivals of NWFHG only.