Our mission is to promote our member Festivals and to encourage resource sharing between our festivals to enhance the quality and attendance level of our festival events for the benefit of our communities.
The organizational structure varies between each Festival with some having one group which plans and finances their Festival, another to host the out-of-town Festival guests with fun activities and others with special activity groups, such as Parade Marshals, Clowns, Pirates and Scholarship Programs for the royalty courts.
Current membership includes the following representatives, who are considered one delegtion:
1. WA State Apple Blossom Festival and Wenatchee Applarians (Hosting Group).
2. Spokane Lilac Festival - serves as both
3. Royal Rosarians are the Hosting Group for the Portland Rose Festival & the Ambassadors for Portland, OR. The Portland Rose Festival organizes, finances and carries out the festival with a volunteer board while the Portland Rose Society promotes the growing and showing of roses being the oldest rose society in the world.
4. Marysville Strawberry Festival serves as both.
5. Olympia Capital Lakefair Capitalarians serve as both
6. Seattle Seafair Commodores are the Hosting Group and the Ambassadors for the greater Seattle area representing Seattle Seafair Festival who are responsible for organizing, financing and putting on their festival.
7. Pentiction Peach Festival has joined in Jan 2017. They are the organizing group while the Penticton Peach Pits are the Hosting Group.
8. WA State Autumn Leaf Festival and Royal Bavarians (Hosting Group)